August 8, 2009

Half Pillow, Half Friend

Christopher asked me to make him a pillow a while back, I always looked out at fabric stores for a great piece of material that would go with his room. But everything was so boring or way too girly. So for are two year coming up I ditched the idea of the pillow… And settled on a Pillow Person.

It all started with a couple of sketches, a couple of borrowed ideas, and a few of my own

I found a cute brown fleece like material at Walmart that I thought was perfect. ($1.25 for a half yard!) (How exciting!)

...And the construction of our new little monster-friend started.

(I was very proud of myself because half way through I ran out of stuffing, and instead of driving and wasting gas -- I road my bike all the way to Hobby Lobby)

Half Pillow, Half Friend

(I tried to take some cute pictures of him airborne but failed -- this is the only decent one that came out. He had fun being thrown around though. hahh)

Christoper came home from Canada very late last night. I of course was working that day/night and fell asleep early and exhausted. But this morning he came over at 7 to say hello! (Which I was thrilled about) Sadly I had work all day again today, but tomorrow is a new day. And then the day after that is our two year -- which I am so excited for so I can give Chris all the nice things I've been collecting for him :) I love little holidays.

On an off subject -- I am somewhat getting excited for school to start. I am taking an independent study with our foods teacher. (My sad excuse of a school dose not have any, i mean any, sewing/home ec. classes. But the foods teacher is a great sewer, and I think that's what she originally wanted to teach. So for a class I get to hang out in her room and sew! Also when she has time for me (because she will have another class already in there, she gets to help me out and teach me new things.) I already bought a very large tote bag to transport all my fabrics, projects, books and tools back and forth from school. I love the bag, its by BlueQ.

Dear Monday --
Please come a little faster.
Love Cloe.

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